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In the case of multiple licenses, please enter your resident state license information as CE credit will only be processed for one state. Modifications to your CE request may be made up until the last day of the course through the My Courses tab in your PROfile. Certain states have rules regarding repetition of courses, please review those requirements prior to requesting CE credits.
The State of Nevada has only approved this course for 3 credits of Property & Casualty and 3 credits of Ethics.
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Commercial General Liability Coverage Excitement & Opportunity Awaits
After an overview of the structure of the Commercial General Liability Policy, participants will take an in-depth look at the coverages provided by the CGL Policy. They will discuss the insuring agreement and be able to explain who is insured. They will identify the important CGL exclusions and their impact on their clients. They will examine the meaning and intent of these selected CGL exclusions and discuss solutions to remedy the coverage gaps created by exclusions.
Misery Awaits! Additional Insureds & Certificates of Insurance
Certificates of insurance and the related issue of additional insureds are often sources of confusion and E&O claims for the insurance professional. In this session, insurance professionals will discuss additional insureds in-depth – types of insureds, how they work, how coverage is limited, and common problems that can arise. They will gain a better understanding of how the named insured status relates to commercial general liability, business auto, and property insurance. For each policy type, they will discuss why an additional endorsement may be needed and the impact on the coverage. They will learn the importance of a certificate of insurance and how to use it properly. Using specific ACORD certificate of insurance forms (ACORD 24, 25, 23, 27, and 28), they will examine the purpose of the certificate, critical things to consider before issuing a certificate, how to properly use certificates of insurance, and identify ways to avoid some of the common problems and errors.
Commercial Crime
An organization’s assets are exposed to threats of embezzlement, fraudulent electronic funds transfer, forgery, robbery, safe burglary, and credit card forgery, etc. from employees and cunning criminals alike. Most commercial property insurance and general liability policies will not cover losses due to criminal activity. In this 4-hour session, participants will discuss the reasons for purchasing crime coverage. They will examine the available crime forms within the ISO series as to their intent and applicability. They will analyze the exposures, review insuring agreements, determine how coverage can be modified by the policy’s exclusions and conditions, and develop an insurance solution. They will discuss Employee Theft, Money/Security/Other Property, Computer Fraud and Funds Transfer Fraud, and Money Orders and Counterfeit Money.
Organizational Culture The Solution To Creating An Ethical And Productive Agency
Participants will discuss the importance of ethical behavior. What is it? Why is it important? How does an insurance agency develop it and incorporate it in the remote workforce? In this session, participants will review the professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities in dealing with the day-to-day realities of the complex, ethical issues of the insurance industry. They will discuss the key to ethical decision making. They will examine how to create an ethical team environment in the insurance agency.